Love’s other name.
“Understanding is loves other name.” -Thich Nhat Hanh
So much of our relational suffering is unnecessary.
We project our past hurts ahead of us into the future and continually scan the horizon for signs that we are about to be wounded again.
All this does is guarantee more pain. We WILL find what we actively look for!
So much of this can be avoided by being “innocent” about our lover.
Decide now that you don’t “know” them and therefore must seek new and fresh understanding, allowing them to unfold as a dynamic, living emergence.
Not a known, static, object, but a mysterious, temporary, flowing life-force, embodied.
This capacity to be in full presence with open hearted curiosity is the nutrient dense soil of healthy loving.
When your lover can sense that desire in you... the desire to behold who and what they are, in this specific moment... its in the delicate warmth of this total acceptance that their soul can progressively open like a flower, in full trust and surrender... and be understood... LOVED.