Prioritizing Inner Freedom
Everyone wants to be happy, to find meaning, and to suffer less.
It’s part of what makes us human.
We find ourselves trapped inside these bodies and within a dimension of time that only moves in one direction.
We fear intimacy as well as isolation and wonder what’s on the other side of this endless breathing in and breathing out.
At some point, in search of more happiness, a more enduring experience of meaning, and to escape our suffering, we may turn to spirituality.
At first, it’s just for these reasons, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Whatever gets us on the path, gets us in the path.
But many of us, if we are honest, get stuck there. We dabble in spirituality as a hobby of sorts. Weekend warriors and workshop junkies.
We long for the peace of mind that a given spirituality promises but shrink away once any real commitment or discipline is called for.
At some level we have to face the truth that we are more married to our comfort and security than we are to any authentic journey into truth.
So we become fashionably Buddhist, we meditate and do yoga to shape our bodies into more attractive lures for potential mates.
Would I look more attractive as a Progressive Hindu or a Secular Humanist with spiritual undertones?
Most of these motivations are hidden from our awareness of course, but we know they are there by what drives us into our practices.
Do we reach for the meditation pillow like we reach for the Tylenol? Are we merely spiritual students of moderate interest? Fair weather devotees who practice only when the sun is out?
There comes a time when we have to decide to leave the playground of casual spiritual tourism and enter deeply into the unwavering commitment that:
Only those on the path to inner freedom will have the energetic resources to serve the world and all its inhabitants in a SUSTAINABLE way.
Because until we are done placating and massaging the wounded small self and it’s many masks, we are burning up all our fuel to keep alive what is only an illusion. This dysfunctional survivor self can never be appeased with enough self help books, spiritual jewelry, or guided meditations on the commute.
The beauty is, once we have committed to inner freedom as our top priority, we can stop bemoaning all the trials and triggers, the difficulties and struggles and embrace them for the gifts and opportunities they actually are!
There they are declaring in no uncertain terms; here’s where you are not yet free!
Look, do you see how this activated your childhood wound? Can you see how activated you get around this person? Aha! Here’s a spot to begin our liberation. Come inside and set yourself free!
Now perhaps more than ever, we can’t afford to spend our lives pursuing a spirituality of narcissistic naval gazing that you can shop for.
The immense challenges of our time require a new generation of seekers who prioritize awakening -not for the short sighted vision of personal fulfillment- but for a global healing that benefits the earth and all her inhabitants.